Monday, August 20, 2007

Baked potatoes cut in pomme cocote style

This is a very tedious dish to prepare.. lots of hours although it is a very simple dish..
but as tasty as any baked potatoes u can find in establish restaurants..

Ingredients (pax of 5)
1. 2 kilo of potatoes

1. salt
2. pepper
3. italian spice (Mc cormick) / parsley
4. butter


First peel the skin of the potatoes using a peeler, then cut into quarters. Then take each quarter and shape it so that it would look like a diamond shape, about 3/4 of it previous size.

then put all the shaped potatoes into a pot with water, just covering the top of the potatoes, and 2 teaspoon of salt for taste. Then heat the water up till its boiled. And when it is boiled, test the potatoes by poking the biggest piece with a small knife. If it feels easy to poke thru, then the whole batch should be cooked.

Then strain the potatoes. Then heat up a frying pan with butter, about 1 cm thick from a block of butter. Then when the butter is melted, add the strained potatoes into the pan. Saute the potatoes for a while before adding salt, pepper and italian spice or chopped parsley for taste. And when the outside of the potatoes look a bit browned, transfer the potatoes to a oven proof bowl. Before putting the potatoes into the oven, the oven should be preheated at 160 for 20-30mins, then after being preheated, put the potatoes into the oven and cover lightly with aluminuim foil. Bake for 30min at 170.

Best served hot.


JoAnne said...


Anonymous said...

hehehe.. thanks. u shud try it out someday.. try and cook it..

Anonymous said...

sight.. u called those pomme cocotte? u r a shamed to taylor's!!